About Us
Our Mission
Fortify the bond between the mother and child by empowering the new mothers to provide utmost care to their babies by educating and establishing awareness. We aim to ensure no barriers on any level exist that hinder a woman in delivering and promoting breast feeding in our community.
Our Vision
Revitalize Lives with Superlative Care and Education
Our Team
Dr. Sowmya N S
Sr. Consultant – Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dr. Sowmya N.S, A significant name in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Sowmya has been popular with great respect among the patients as well as the medical fraternity. She had got 14+ years of accumulated experience in relevant surgical and medical procedures and management position, Adept at prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gynecological and obstetrical disorders, currently working as Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist at NYLE Hospital Womens and Children Super Speciality Hospital, Thrissur – Kerala India.
Dr. Sowmya is an international board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC), and member of association of Lactation professionals India (ALPI). She has been helping mothers and babies to breastfeed since 2018. She writes blogs and articles on breastfeeding practices, Tips and Tracks to follow, Do and Don’ts on breast feeding and speaks on breastfeeding topics to parents and professionals. Dr. Sowmya has many years’ experience in counselling and educating mothers in person and through online which provided great satisfaction to the community. She is one of the renowned consultants In Kerala who is well versed for her clinical skills, knowledge, and patient care. On a final note, she stays up to date with the latest research on lactation, infant nutrition and infant development so that she can provide parents and professionals with the most current information available.