Data and Intellectual Property Policy
Newborn an affiliated division of StudyMRCOG Medical Consultancy Private Limited, is committed to ensure compliance with applicable data protection laws, regulations, and cyber laws under Indian IT ACT. With this policy we shall intent, the data which we collected and furnished from our customers are the sole property of the company and no one owns the right to duplicate the contents by any means.
As part of our operations, we need to obtain and process information. This information includes any offline or online data that makes a person identifiable such as names, addresses, usernames and passwords, email ID, debit/credit card information’s and other details etc. Our company collects this information in a transparent way and only with the full cooperation and knowledge of interested parties/customers. Once this information is available to us, the following rules apply.
Our data will be:
- Accurate and kept up to date.
- Collected fairly and for lawful purposes only.
- Processed by the company within its legal and moral boundaries.
- Protected against any unauthorized or illegal access by internal or external parties.
Our data will not be:
- Communicated informally.
- Stored for more than a specified amount of time.
- Transferred to organizations, states or countries that do not have adequate data protection policies.
- Distributed to any party other than the ones agreed upon by the data’s owner (exempting legitimate requests from law enforcement authorities)
In addition to ways of handling the data the company has direct obligations towards people to whom the data belongs. Specifically, we must:
- Let people know which of their data is collected.
- Inform people about how we’ll process their data.
- Inform people about who has access to their information.
- Have provisions in cases of lost, corrupted, or compromised data.
- Allow people to request that we modify, erase, reduce or correct data contained in our databases.
As per this policy, company owns the right to monitor all the activities based on Newborn platforms created and owned by StudyMRCOG Medical Consultancy Pvt Limited.
Failure to observe the data protection principles within this policy may result in interested parties end up in legal disciplinary action, gross misconduct and permanently revoking access where there are significant or deliberate breaches of this policy.
Rev 1 Date 16/2/2021