Lactation Problems

Breast care

Breast infections

Babies with jaundice

Preterm & sick babies

Mother with Inverted Nipple

Proper weaning methods

Breast surgery & breast feeding

We offer utmost care on educating new mothers on,

  • Time of starting breast feeding after birth

  • Latching position for the baby and the mother

  • Infant behavior (How we know the baby is hungry?)

  • Nutrition for lactating mother

  • Infant formulas

  • Evaluation of nipple shape and remedies thereof

  • How often the baby should be fed?

  • Poor Milk Supply – How to know the milk production is enough

  • Struggles with the right nursing position, especially after a C-section

  • How to prevent getting infection to the breast

  • How to prevent & manage nipple crack

  • Baby falling asleep at the breast

  • Baby refusing to breastfeed

  • Marathon breastfeeding sessions that leave mom drained

  • Emotional and physical barriers to breastfeeding, including postpartum depression

Ten best clinical practices for successful breastfeeding

WHO and UNICEF launched the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) to help motivate facilities providing maternity and newborn services worldwide to implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. The Ten Steps summarize a package of policies and procedures that facilities providing maternity and newborn services should implement to support breastfeeding. WHO has called upon all facilities providing maternity and newborn services worldwide to implement the Ten Steps.

  • Train, educate and increase awareness for pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding.

  • Inform all the new moms to initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth. Provide necessary guidance and facilities for the same.

  • Teach and demonstrate mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation even if they are separated from their infants.

  • Teach and Educate mother on the better positions to feed properly which provides extreme comfort for baby and mother.

  • Advise all the mothers to provide breast milk only unless medically diagnosed.

  • Practice rooming-in—allow mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day.

  • Do not use any pacifiers or artificial nipples to breast feeding infants.

  • Support mothers to recognize and respond to their infants’ cues for feeding.

  • Coordinate discharge so that parents and their infants have timely access to ongoing support and care.

Ten best practices for successful breastfeeding

Providing milk for your baby is a step-by-step process. If you follow the 10 steps below, you should be able to establish a proper milk supply and breastfeed your child with comfort.

  • Hold your baby skin-to-skin every day. (For more information, see guidelines for skin-to-skin care or skin-to-skin care for intubated babies

  • Practice and fix a comfortable position to hold your baby. Practice the below for your information.

  • The Cradle Hold : Lay baby lengthwise across your abdomen, using one hand to support his head and the other his bottom.

  • The Football Hold: Place baby beside you face up and lengthwise. Lay him along your arm and guide his head to your breast. If you’ve had a C-section, you may find this hold more comfortable.

  • The Lying-Down: Hold Lay baby next to you in bed, with you on your right side, he on his left. His mouth should be at the same height or slightly lower than your nipples. With your free hand, adjust baby’s mouth toward the nipple closest to the bed and circle your other arm around him

  • Position the baby on his/her side so he/she is directly facing you, with her belly touching yours. Next, prop up the baby with a pillow, if necessary, and hold her up to your breast; don’t lean over toward her.

  • Place your thumb and fingers around your areola.

  • Tilt your baby’s head back slightly and tickle her lips with your nipple until she opens her mouth wide.

  • Help her “scoop” the breast into her mouth by placing her lower jaw on first, well below the nipple.

  • Tilt her head forward, placing her upper jaw deeply on the breast. Make sure she takes the entire nipple and at least 1 1/2 inches of the areola in her mouth

  • Every two hours or each time he cries, put baby to your breast to suck. To help him figure out where lunch is coming from, rub his cheek with your nipple or finger to get him to turn toward the breast.

  • Once baby has worked out that you’re his source of milk and coordinated his latch, suck, and swallow, he’ll likely nurse for 20 to 40 minutes on each breast. If he has been on one breast for a long time, it’s fine to break his latch and switch him to the other side.

  • Alleviate Engorgement

  • Stay cool : Applying ice packs or bags of frozen peas to your breasts is one way of easing the pain. Another tried-and-true remedy? Cabbage leaves! Keep a large head of green cabbage in your refrigerator or freezer. When you feel sore, peel off a leaf, stick it in your bra, and voila! An instant breast-shaped ice pack.

  • Take a warm shower : Heat promotes the flow of milk. You’ll lose a little milk in the process, but if you’re nursing regularly, there’s more where that came from

  • Express yourself: Expressing a small amount of milk manually or with a pump can help soften things up so baby can latch on more easily.

  • Lie down: Lying on your stomach relieves the pull of gravity and for some women soothes the pain.


  • Change breast pads at each feed (if you’re using them) – if possible, use pads without a plastic backing

  • Wear a cotton bra so air can circulate

  • Keep feeding your baby for as long as they want – keeping breastfeeds short to “rest” your nipples will not ease nipple pain and could affect your milk supply

  • Avoid using nipple shields (a thin, protective cover worn over your nipple as you breastfeed) or breast shells (a hard, protective cover worn inside your bra) – these will not improve your baby’s attachment to the breast